Public Dialog

As part of the over all concept and dialog, we are asking project participants, visitors, students, politicians and the public to answer basic questions of identity.


Responses to the questions will be used in an installation that will grow and become part of the project archives as it migrates to other cities and towns internationally in the years ahead. Thus far, hundreds of people of all ages and backgrounds have participated and answers were shared on a large wall connected to a world map indicating where they come from.


Participants can choose to answer one or more questions, they can be short or elaborate as they like (or can be answered creatively through a poem, a drawing, photograph,object, etc). 


Dialog Questions:


Was ist zu Hause? / What is home?


Was ist Familie? / What is family?


Was ist eine Frau? / What is a woman?


Was ist ein Mann? / What is a man?


Was ist ein Kind?/ What is a child?


Was vermisst du? / What do you miss?


Was wünschst du dir?/ What do you wish for?


Was ist Freiheit? / What is freedom?